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22:34 11-06-2007
To Dua.
I will never forget you. You are a yezidi angel. We love you all.
I want some respekt from the muslims here, for Dua´s sick for the yezidi. Its not all yezidi who do thinks like this. Honor killing must stopped in Kurdistan! We will never forget you Dua. we all love you.
18:15 11-06-2007
Ania UK
To all my martyred sisters
there will be only one judgement at the end of the day
and Allah will ensure the punishment of these sheytans and kafirs not true muslim/Yezidi men

your sister forever in life and death

i wish i was there when they threw the first stone as i would have thrown myself over you as a big sister trying to protect her sibling
my heart and prayers are with your sisters

Your husband was meant to love and protect you forever instead he and his brothers killed you in cold blood and your little daughter is also missing Insha'Allah she is safe with you in Allah's paradise where she will feel no pain
00:49 11-06-2007
R.I.P. Du`a and all the Woman, may all your Soul have Freedom in Heaven!
21:52 09-06-2007
Du'a and Shwbo you are now the angels in Allah's paradise my martyred sisters do not despare Allah will bring the sheytans to justice on judgement day
19:47 08-06-2007
Du´a Khalil Aswad--
My heart is broken and died with you.My trust in humanity also.May your innocent soul have peace wherever you are.May the love of that boy be with you also.I hope you are safe,happy and helping us to help the other innocent "honour murder" women to be safe and not murdered.
21:53 05-06-2007
hearing about his has broken my heart. i am so very sorry that you had to have your life ended in such a horrific senseless way.

my thoughts are with you Dua
peace & love to you
20:26 03-06-2007
Hört bitte mit all den Beschimpfungen auf, habt Achtung vor einem jungen Mädchen das schreckliche Qualen mitmachen musste. 38 Sure: (2) Sad. Bei diesem Koran voller Ermahnung! Die Ungläubigen geben sich nur falschem Stolz und Streitsucht hin. 41 Sure (34) Wer führt schon eine schönere Sprache als der, welche Allah einlädt und rechtschaffen handelt. Wende das Böse durch Besseres ab, und dann wird selbst dein Feind dir der wärmste Freund werden.
Gruß Heinz
23:48 02-06-2007
May Allah Grant Her Matyrdom
23:39 31-05-2007
Valter Skog
Stop violence Women
I am from Sweden
23:55 30-05-2007
in these cultures women have no value other than their sex, when that is go wrong some how they are worthless and they kill them, first you have to teach them the value of a woman as a human. and panish the criminals killers as they deserve. and hoping to have better society
04:37 30-05-2007
How can anyone bear to look at that fragile, childlike body lying there in her own blood, battered to death by a hoard of howling demons? As someone has said, the sacrifice must be spotless and innocent and beautiful; the killers must be evil and of horror, and they live on. We have seen this played out so many times in public life. But this innocent is not murdered in vain. The sacrificed one, such as Christ, is the one who changes things for the better though it may seem very dark at the moment. Her murderers were brutal and sub-human monsters, demons from hell. She will be in heaven looking down.
They tried to kill her because of ego, not religion. No religion, including Islam, sanctions that kind of murder. I don't know about Yazidi, but it is influenced by ancient pagan doctrines. Apparently they believe they are descended from Adam and not from Eve. Which explains a lot about their behavior in this horrible deed, I guess. Muhammed exhorted men to be kind to women, and said that special graces would be attendant on men who were kind to women. The "honor" killing crowd could use a crash course in this part of the koran.
04:15 29-05-2007
Clark Graham
I am currently working with young Micronesians at Chuuk High School (CHS) in the Federated States of Micronesia. We are studying human rights. The issue of honor killing is something new to them and they are shocked to learn that in some parts of our world women are treated worse than animals!

Honor killings muSt stop!
04:14 29-05-2007
Stacy Omwere
I live in Micronesia where our traditional culture respects women as the ones who bring forth life. Honor Killings are horrible and must be stopped!
01:35 29-05-2007
Kovan Beduhi
Blood day has turned to valentines day. (Dua) whole my life I cant forget you. our hearts filled by sadness because of you.and you will be an angel flying in heaven.
21:28 28-05-2007
I come from sweden and i have an kurdish boyfriend.. but this girl i yhink so sorry for her. very bad people do that to people... / Jonna from sweden
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